Visit to Manitowoc for Crane Launch
Zafar Domloge (Mobicrane), Phil Coggin (Mobicrane), James Heels (Paterson Simons Ghana Country Manager) and Paul Rogers, Manitowoc Manager for the Middle East and Africa, recently visited Shady Grove, Pennsylvania – Manitowoc’s head quarters in the US. Mobicrane is a key Paterson Simons customer, and it was a pleasure to invite...

Manitowoc GRT8100 RT Grove Crane
Weighing in at an impressive 100MT capacity the new GRT8100 Rough Terrain Crane, is now being manufactured by Manitrowoc’s Niella-Tanaro facility in Italy. Manitowoc has also taken the decision to significantly lower the prices of these cranes into the African market. Contact us here for more information on this incredible...

Engineers enjoy Manitowoc Training in Italy
Mirco Minocceri, Paterson Simons training cinsultant, led training for three engineers at the Manitowoc Factory in Niella Tanaro, Italy. Ekow Jones, Pasico Service Engineer, Nkrumah Benjamin, Maintenance Engineer at PSC Tema Ship Yard and Kluvia Isaac Dzidzienyo, Electrical Engineer at PSC Tema Ship Yard enjoyed a rigorous week-long course on the Grove RT550, which...

Heavy Lifting Extreme Edition: Niger
Seldom happy to contain ourselves to the beaten track, Pasico engineer Elvis Dongwiri was recently called to a disused mine site in a very remote region of Niger to repair a RT 890E. Conditions are robust, and the crane has performed well under the circumstances, but needed some attention prior...

Crane Models Now Available
We often receive requests for models: model cranes, model reachstackers, model forklifts and a variety of other brands. While we try and be as generous as possible, especially when a new machine has been sold, in practice it is not that simple. The models are usually made by third party model...

The high benchmark of Product Verification at Manitowoc, Shady Grove
The Manitowoc factory in Shady Grove, Philadelphia, USA produces Rough Terrain Crane, Industrial Crane and Lattice Boom Crawler Crane lines for Manitowoc/Grove. During a recent visit to the Shady Grove facility Paterson Simons staff spent some time with the Product Verification Team, here a few highlights of thier ground-breaking work. The Product...

Petro-Sea Switch to Reliability and Backup of Grove Cranes
Petro-Sea Logistics, a joint venture between Belgium’s Sea-Invests and Ivory Coast’s Petroci, provides logistics, transport and storage services to the oil industry and operates out of Adidjan, Ivory Coast. After the lack of after market support from a previous brand left them reeling, Petro-Sea decided to approach Paterson Simons, who have...

Our engineers achieve highest level of Manitowoc certification
Paterson Simons engineers, Peter Neeveng and Elvis Dongwiri, have achieved their GMK Master Technicians certification – the highest level of training available from Manitowoc, world-leading manufacturer of Grove, Potain and Manitowoc cranes. Peter and Elvis work out of the Pasico Takoradi office – which covers mobile crane service for all of West Africa....

Looking Up, The Manitowoc Crane Magazine now available
Download the Looking UP magazine here. Inside you’ll find a wide array of stories from around the world that showcase the range of Manitowoc brands: Manitowoc, Grove, Potain and National Crane. A look at how new cranes, such as the Manitowoc MLC650 and the Grove GHC range, are dramatically changing the...

Refurbished Manitowoc Cranes offer exceptional value to West African customers.

Rebuilding is an economical alternative to extend a crane’s life. Cranes are completely rebuilt, from the bare frame to a new paint job. Paterson Simons has facilities and engineering skills capable of rebuilding mobile hydraulic and lattice boom crawler cranes. The machine is completely disassembled to its frame and rebuilt...

Maintaining an elite standard across West Africa.
Premier crane manufacturer Manitowoc recently completed an audit of our sales and service facilities as part of their Partner Development Program. The 2-day audit process was conducted by Paul Rogers, sales director MCG Africa, Betrand Guillaume, sales manager French speaking Africa (FSA), & Paulo Costa, mobile product manager (FSA). The process included checking our records,...